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Surgery for spectators

There’s a lot of press coverage about a piece by Simon Chapman in the BMJ. He describes a charity auction where one prize was to attend a neurosurgical operation. He thinks it was wrong to do so; so do I. Yet this is the logical outcome of so many voyeristic cameras in the consulting room. […]

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No decision about me, without me

..and other fairy tales. From the Conservative party manifesto “putting patients in charge of making decisions about their care” is the choral refrain, and yet this week has seen a new Health and Social Care Bill which, bottom line, seeks to interrupt and decimate relationships between  patients, GPs and hospital specialists by putting numerous other messy […]

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Chiropractic ‘checks’ for children

I am aware of several clinics offering these with the promise of easing colic, even asthma: or preventing problems allegedly caused by birth……so well played, to the journal of Chiropractic and Osteopathy, which concludes, after reviewing the evidence, that  a lack of evidence for chiropractic in children has been noted since the 1940s, and almost […]

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