Recent mentions by @amcunningham as to his Cochrane lecture on EBM have prompted me to put up his seminal paper on the Inverse Care Law from the Lancet in 1971. Enjoy.
Continue Reading →My bicycle
I am very excited to be getting a new bicycle – albeit one that is about 60 years old. She is simply beautiful; a Rudge Ladies Roadster. She is now being stripped, sorted, retyred, basketted and relit at the wonderful Common Wheel, which I’ve written about years ago here. Buying a bike in such a […]
Continue Reading →The polypill, relative risks and press releases
free link to BMJ article here
Continue Reading →BMJ: the scam of integrative medicine
Here. (I will take down the text once have toll free link from bmj.) There’s been a shift in the world of alternative NHS medicine. I know, I know, alternative so called medicine is only medicine that doesn’t work: so how come it’s still chumming up with our evidence aware NHS? It’s not, you see, […]
Continue Reading →Waterlogged?
an article in the BMJ following on from posts earlier about the Hydration for Health adverts on the BMJ website.
Continue Reading →The Surgical Checklist – twitter journal club
Quite excited about Twitter journal club, which is 8pm on Sunday @twitjournalclub The paper for TODAY(!) is “A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a Global Population“. At the time it was published ,in 2009 in the NEJM, I had concerns about it, here. A few other people did too, but criticisms […]
Continue Reading →Sleeves, ties, MRSA and politicians
in the Daily Mail.
Continue Reading →Bayesian and needles in haystacks: why medicine is difficult to do well
and why protocols are not the answer to good diagnosis and risk management. Excellent BMJ editorial telling it like it is. “identifying those febrile young children with the greatest risk for serious infection at the time of clinical presentation is like looking for a needle in a haystack.” Essentially, if you have a child with […]
Continue Reading →RIP, Dr Ann McPherson
Ann was one of those GPs who make you proud to share the profession. Exceptionally clever, able and committed, she was also so very generous and kind. I was (am) grateful to her many times. Deepest sympathies to her family. Rest in peace.
Continue Reading →Invitation – free debate in London
If anyone can give idiot-proof advice as to how to upload a pdf, do let me know. Otherwise here is a cut and paste; it’s a (free!) afternoon of debate about whether or not journalists are bad for health. There may be a point, but for me the bigger issue is that scientists and their […]
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