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Knee arthroscopy – Inside Health 21/7/15

4271 Bupa Medical Poster Orthopaedic_v7 (2) NEJM sham surgery RCT further trial with control group having maximum medical/physiotherapy RCT physiotherapy vs surgery for moderate-severe arthritis of knee surgery vs physiotherapy for mild-moderate osteoarthritis or meniscal tear Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee changes : real vs sham , Meniscal tears are […]

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Nitrous oxide – Inside Health 23/7/15

7.6% 16-24 year old reported use in 2013/4 Click to access RestrictingSupplyNitrousOxide.pdf ACDM letter to Theresa May Bill

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7 day working – Inside Health 23/7/15 “We showed that some of the people who tend to use primary care services more often (e.g. retired people and people over 65 years) are more likely to choose to stay with a practice inside their neighbourhood than go outside. If it was confirmed that healthier groups (who use fewer services) were more interested […]

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RCGP council 20/6/15

– I spoke against credentialing – where it the evidence of effectiveness, and what are we not doing instead when we are doing the paperwork for it – Supported John Cosgrove’s excellent #openRGCP paper, which means that all council papers will be open access unless there is good reason not to be. This was widely […]

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Wild swimming – Inside Health 9/6/15

New series and thanks to Kings Cross Pond !   great review article – co authored by Michael Tipton who is on the programme discussing cold water swimming and a great website    

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reply to Professor June Andrews

sent to LRB just now after this Professor June Andrews says, of dementia that “The sooner someone sues a GP for failure to diagnose as early as possible, the better.” It is disturbing that Andrews, responding to Francis on the subject of dementia screening, is seemingly not aware of the evidence base. Screening is always […]

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PM programme 11/3/15

From about 10.30 Tories and over 75s access and chemist access to cholesterol/glc screening Lib Dems and skype Doctors criticise Royal College’s ‘disgraceful’ handling of PA debate Labour and private providers and manifesto SNP Life expectancy in Scotland impact  of mental illness on mortality

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