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Breast health and 1 in 9 again

There are so many things to say that are wrong about the new Breast Health UK service that I’d need all night to write about them. Let me concentrate on just one thing: no, not their offer to perform breast examination on the asymptomatic woman and then teach them how to do it (although it’s […]

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GPs sell out

I’m sorry that this important newsitem from the BMJ is behind a paywall, but I’ll put up the really important bits. The political imperative is now to get GPs to commission care. One way of ‘saving money’ (if you are interested in short term, shallow, non clinical outcomes) is allegedly to deal with  GP referrals […]

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Mass effect

I don’t think that most public health messages work effectively. For example; ‘Make a date for cervical screening” “check your breasts”  “have you been immunised against flu?” etc, etc. Mainly, I don’t think soundbites tell the whole truth, and I don’t think that mass messaging treats people as individuals. Nor do public health campaigns seek […]

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Emperors with their cuffs rolled up

The DoH ‘Bare Below the Elbows’ theme has been going on for a few years now. The original document, you may remember, is here, from 2007, and stated that research on workwear and infection prevention had been done, was not yet published, but contained the following: “There is no conclusive evidence that uniforms (or other […]

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