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Preventative measures for breast cancer, and how we view risk

The Lancet has run a Consensus Statement about preventing breast cancer. They say “Many risk factors have been established for breast cancer, the most informative of which are family history of the disease, especially at a young age, increased mammographic breast density, some menstrual and reproductive factors, and proliferative benign disease. Various models have been […]

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Andrew Lansley’s big mistake

NICE is not perfect. It never has been. It has, though, been a good start at trying to examine evidence and come to a fair and equitable decision as to what healthcare interventions to publically fund. NICE has faults. It has become a bit too easy on lobbyists – especially health care charity lobbyists – […]

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Avastin and cost effectiveness

I can’t understand the blame being apportioned in press coverage over NICE’s decision not to fund Avastin, or bevacizumab, for the treatment of advanced bowel cancer. Many patients groups are laying the blame with NICE. Is this fair? The important bit to me is ‘cost effectiveness’. It isn’t about either cost or effectiveness alone. While […]

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