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Here’s a funny thing

I didn’t know that Karol Sikora had set up the the business of screening well people with CT, MRI et al. How interesting, considering the advice from the National Screening Portal. And how interesting, too, that they recommend as one of their ‘partners‘ ‘The Causeway Retreat’ which “offers individual and group addiction & stress therapy […]

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The NHS, complaints, and data

I’ve said it so many times I am boring myself, but if you want to save money in the NHS it’s not so hard to do it. Choose and Book, all NHS logos and branding, all NHS advertising health promotion campaigns, NHS Direct for all except acute care, the electronic records system, etc, etc, etc. […]

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Chilean psychologists

In the BMJ. In all, 33 miners, 69 days, and 26 people sent by the BBC to the San José copper and gold mine to cover their rescue ( The story about the miners trapped deep underground attracted more than 2000 members of the global media to the ringside to watch their individual slow ascent […]

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Oliver James vs Genetics

Rather a nasty spat on the Today programme this am; the issue being that of a paper on the genetics in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, published online in the Lancet. The paper had found a slightly increased risk of ADHD with a particular genetic pattern. Having this pattern did not necessarily lead to autism. Children with […]

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If you’re over 65…

and you live in Scotland, you have something in common with people who have been imprisoned for 5 years or more, people who have been detained in borstal, and people on bail in connection with criminal proceedings. You are “not qualified for jury service”. I find this very ageist. Judges can go on until they […]

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