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Cancer Research UK and 1 in 8

Radio 4 news: “1 in 8 women will get breast cancer”. It’s based on a press release from Cancer Research UK. And it is not helpful: these are the figures, below,  for risk of breast cancer you want to know (from their press release) . At present, the headline figure media outlets are using isn’t helpful, and […]

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Here’s a funny thing

I didn’t know that Karol Sikora had set up the the business of screening well people with CT, MRI et al. How interesting, considering the advice from the National Screening Portal. And how interesting, too, that they recommend as one of their ‘partners‘ ‘The Causeway Retreat’ which “offers individual and group addiction & stress therapy […]

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Overtreatment is fact, say Pelican

Well done to the Pelican charity who have said, of prostate cancer, in a press release: “Pelican is concerned that many men with low risk cancer are being over-treated, with resultant negative side effects of urinary and sexual dysfunction.  Pelican is now directly funding clinical research that could make diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer […]

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