Archive by Author

Preventative measures for breast cancer, and how we view risk

The Lancet has run a Consensus Statement about preventing breast cancer. They say “Many risk factors have been established for breast cancer, the most informative of which are family history of the disease, especially at a young age, increased mammographic breast density, some menstrual and reproductive factors, and proliferative benign disease. Various models have been […]

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“Consent rituals”, meaningful decision making, and ethics

Gerd Gigerenzer and Muir Gray’s new book is out: Better Doctors, Better Patients, Better Decisions. The message is that patients have to be involved in making decisions about their health, and I couldn’t disagree. As Gigerenzer (one of my heroes) has pointed out in Reckoning with Risk, the numbers we base our decisions on, however, […]

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Herbal medicines, the MHRA, and insight

Press release the other day: 100th traditional herbal registration granted The number of herbal products registered under the Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) scheme hit the 100 mark today increasing consumer choice for safe herbal products across the UK. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) THR scheme has been designed so that the public […]

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The GMC’s response to that ATOS article

is here, which is in return a reply to a letter from Dr Cooper saying that doctors seeing people within ATOS centres aren’t really in a  ‘normal’ doctor patient relationship. I cut and paste Jane O’Brien, Assistant Director, Standards & Fitness to Practise Directorate General Medical Council, 350 Euston Road, London, NW1 3JN “Edward Cooper is […]

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