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280515_BMJ ICS Enquiry_response to Dr McCartney_final (3)

Croydon CCG response 17 04 15 (2)

NHS Croydon CCG Supplementary sheet (3)


Copy of spreadsheet pharma practice bmj july 22nd

Portsmouth City Council, on behalf of Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group
Corporate Information Governance Team

Customer Community & Democratic Service

Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL
Telephone: 023 9268 8482
Email: ccgfoi@portsmouthcc.gov.uk




Reference number: CCG2015051
Dear Margaret McCartney


Thank you for your e-mail of 31 March 2015, requesting information concerning medicines management, which has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act.


In accordance with the Act, I confirm the information you are seeking is held and the following response is issued on behalf of NHS Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group.


Your request

Further to my FOI request, (CCG2015049)

you have said that you have used individuals funded by the pharmaceutical industry to optimise medicines management.


Could you please tell me

– when this was

-who was employed

-who the pharmaceutical company was

-what tasks in medicines management they did, and to what purpose

-whether they had access to GP or pharmacists records



Our response

We have information on two specific projects where funding from the pharmaceutical industry has been used to fund individuals or individuals working in our area in order to change or optimise medicines management.


One of these initiative was not technically around use of medicines but has been included for completeness.


Initiative 1 – review of stoma patients to optimise their care


When this was: Started June 2014 – ongoing


Who was employed: Nurses employed by Salts Medilink


Who the pharmaceutical company was: Salts


What tasks in medicines management they did, and to what purpose: Face to face review with patients to optimise current stoma care


Whether they had access to GP or pharmacists records: No.  Patients prescribed stoma products are identified in the surgery and receive a letter inviting them to contact the nurse for the review


Initiative 2 .  Clinical reviews with interface Clinical  Services


When this was: Osteoporosis work which started 2013 and is nearly completed. Atrial Fibrillation (AF) work which started 2014 and is still ongoing


Who was employed: Pharmacists working for Interface clinical Services


Who the pharmaceutical company was: Osteoporosis – funded by ProStraken/AF- Funded by Bayer


What tasks in medicines management they did, and to what purpose: For a description of the work follow this link  http://www.interface-cs.co.uk/


Whether they had access to GP or pharmacists records: Pharmacists working for ICS were given access to patients records by those practices that took on the service. Patient specific data was not shared with the funding company




The information supplied to you continues to be protected by copyright.  You are free to use it for your own purposes, including for private study and non-commercial research, and for any other purpose authorised by an exception in current copyright law.  Documents (except photographs) can also be used in the UK without requiring permission for the purposes of news reporting.  Any other reuse, for example, commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original email and should be addressed to the Corporate Information Governance Officer at the address at the head of this page.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.  Generally, the Information Commissioner’s Office cannot make a decision unless you have already exhausted NHS Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group’s review process.  The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:  The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Wycliffe Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK6 5AF.

Further information about the Freedom of Information Act can be sourced on the Information Commissioner’s website: http://www.ico.gov.uk/


If you have any queries about this e-mail, please contact me.  Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.


Yours sincerely



Initiative 1 – review of stoma patients to optimise their care


When this was: Started June 2014 – ongoing


Who was employed: Nurses employed by Salts Medilink


Who the pharmaceutical company was: Salts


What tasks in medicines management they did, and to what purpose: Face to face review with patients to optimise current stoma care


Whether they had access to GP or pharmacists records: No.  Patients prescribed stoma products are identified in the surgery and receive a letter inviting them to contact the nurse for the review


Dear Margaret McCartney



Freedom of Information Request –  Funding From Pharmaceutical Industry



I am writing to confirm that Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group has now completed its search for the information which you requested on 27 March 2015.


You asked:  whether your CCG, or individual practices responsible to your CCG, have used, in full or part, funding from the pharmaceutical industry to fund any individuals or individuals working in your area in order to change or optimize medicines management.  You clarified that you require this information dating back fifteen years.


Our response:  In 2009 the former Primary Care Trust allowed ProStrakan plc to use its own pharmacists to review calcium and vitamin D supplementation in patients with osteoporosis.  There has been no other occurrence before or since.


We hope this information is helpful.  However, if you are dissatisfied with this response or the way in which your request was handled, please contact:


Complaints Manager

Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group

4th Floor

Lanchester House

Trafalgar Place






Sent: 08 April 2015 14:16
To: Margaret McCartney
Subject: RE: FOI request – 547


Dear Margaret McCartney


The pharmacist working on behalf of the pharmaceutical company ran a search of those with a diagnosis of osteoporosis, which generated a list of NHS numbers.  This was cross checked against a search of medicines  – which also gave results as NHS numbers.  If there was no match between those diagnosed and those prescribed calcium and vitamin D, those NHS numbers were passed to the GP to review to see whether calcium and vitamin D should be prescribed.


The access to the full record to investigate why calcium and vitamin D was not on patients’ repeat prescriptions was made by the practice.  The pharmacist did not have access to the full medical record, but did have access to the medicines list.


I hope this answers your question.

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