I find this wish to profit from the illness of another pretty appalling. Press release recieved this am.
Email follows:
“Good morning,
Following the news that self-proclaimed ‘fitness fanatic’ Andrew Marr has suffered a stroke, I wanted to get in touch to offer expert comment from Preventicum and Medical Director Dr Garry Savin.
Preventicum offers the most comprehensive and technologically advanced health screening on the market, which allows for the early detection of conditions, often symptom-free in the early stages, that might lead to strokes (e.g. aneurysms) with clients able to take preventative steps to mitigate against more serious conditions that can arise if left undiagnosed.
There are often a number of underlying conditions that can precipitate strokes and Dr Savin would be delighted to discuss potential triggers (highlighting how they can be detected and treated) as well as the consequences of suffering a stroke and how the rehabilitation process might work. Do please let me know if this might be of interest.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. I can be reached on . Further details about Preventicum can be found at www.preventicum.co.uk ”
Very best wishes
If you want to know why I think these non evidence based screening tests should be avoided, see http://privatehealthscreen.org/
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