References for tonight’s Inside Health


Sunscreens and cancer


Hearing and vitamins



and the unbelievable press release. here. It’s nonsense. We need good information to make choices, not nonsense statistics and scaremongering.

Press Release: For immediate release


The “world’s most dangerous vaccine” now being offered to our teenage daughters

[PRESSWIRE] London, United Kingdom – 01.10.12 — From last month (September), British schoolgirls from the age of 12 upwards are being offered a new vaccine to protect against cervical cancer. Gardasil is replacing Cervarix as the NHS’s vaccine of choice to combat HPV (human papillomavirus), which causes the cancer.

But research by the health magazine, What Doctors Don’t Tell You (WDDTY), reveals that Gardasil is officially the world’s most dangerous vaccine. And the UK government isn’t telling parents the truth about a vaccine that has been responsible for at least 100 deaths and thousands of life-destroying disabilities in the US.

WDDTY challenges the government to answer:

• why the UK has so readily embraced Gardasil when take-up has slumped by a third in the US following thousands of reports of adverse reactions, including death
• why our drug regulators are being so lax when America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has enforced stronger warnings on the vaccine’s packaging, and is investigating a new reaction known as ‘immunotoxicity’ where the whole immune system is affected
• why the UK has accepted a vaccine that has been rejected by India after an early trial, funded by Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, led to the deaths of seven young girls and another 120 suffered debilitating side effects
• why the UK government is wasting NHS resources and money on a vaccine that may save just 40 lives in the UK. Overall, an HPV vaccine may protect against 137 new cases of the cancer. Despite the publicity, especially following the death of Big Brother star Jade Goody, cervical cancer is a rare disease, and one that doesn’t even feature in the list of the 10 most common cancers.

Gardasil is officially the world’s most dangerous vaccine, according to figures collated by the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Of the 75 vaccines monitored, Gardasil is responsible for 20 per cent of all side effects reported by doctors. By the end of 2011, VAERS had recorded 18,727 adverse events, 1,498 of them serious, and 68 deaths related to Gardasil. Parent groups put the figures higher: one group, Sanevax, claims adverse events total 27,023, while the website claims more than 100 girls have died after being vaccinated.

“The government is playing fast and loose with British parents and their daughters. They are not being given all the facts so they can make a proper informed decision”, says WDDTY editor Lynne McTaggart.


WDDTY is a new magazine, available every month on news-stands, including Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose, WH Smith, and independent newsagents. Its editorial panel includes 12 leading doctors and experts. Price: £3.95.

Website: and

oxygen and cancer cells

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