I’m feeling rather inspired by Clive Peedall and his plea that the Royal Colleges should come together in opposition of the Health Bill.
There is good reason to think that the Colleges are now in discussion as to what to do. There is also good reason to think that this can be influenced.
The BMA, the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Midwives have opposed the Bill. The Royal College of General Practitioners has failed to find support for it amongst it’s members.
But what about the other Royal Colleges?
The Royal College of Physicians have said that there are several major issues with the Bill but seem to be suggesting collaboration “We look forward to constructive dialogue with government, the Department of Health and partners to address these issues as the Bill progresses“. (enquiries@rcplondon.ac.uk)
The Royal College of Surgeons seem to be rather over-optimistic and not nearly critical enough. (president@rcseng.ac.uk)
The Royal College of Radiologists say there is “progress” with the Bill and want more amendments. ( president@rcr.ac.uk)
There isn’t a clear rejection of the Bill from the Royal College of Anaesthetists either. (president@rcoa.ac.uk)
The Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists sound distinctly unconvinced about the Bill but don’t reject it outright. (President’s Office – amartin@rcog.org.uk)
The Royal College of Psychiatrists uses the word ‘welcomes’, but sound unhappy about many aspects of the Bill but again, don’t reject it. (reception@rcpsych.ac.uk)
I can’t find any response this year from the Royal College of Paediatrics. Same for the Royal College of Pathologists.
(Added: The Faculty of Public Health are having a Extraordinary General Meeting to discuss the Bill on the 25th January. This sounds as though the Faculty are unhappy about the Bill. (Faculty contact: paulscourfield@fph.org.uk) )
I have yet to meet a disinterested party who does not have major concerns for the adverse effects the Bill will have on patient care. It is disappointing that more Royal Colleges have not made more definitive statements on rejecting the bill, although it is clear there is unhappiness.
My question is: do the members of these Colleges not need to tell their Presidents how to respond? I don’t want to work in an NHS that fragments patient care into private providers, that makes it harder for patients with complex illnesses to get continuous care, or prioritises the least sick in a competitive market. I don’t think that the Bill is anything other than a reckless assault on the most sick in our society.
But this isn’t over. Please consider emailing the Colleges and telling them what response of theirs would make you feel proud.
(Update – please see http://callonyourcollege.blogspot.com/)
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