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Protect and perfect and not at all convinced

Boots the chemist are making much of research just published in the British Journal of Dermatology. It involves their Protect and Perfect product, which is on sale in my local store, where there are signs saying that customers are allowed to buy only 6 bottles. Clearly they are anticipating great demand. In 2007, the BBC […]

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Swine flu… and childcare

In the event of a pandemic flu, word was that medical students and all kinds of healthcare professionals (who don’t normally do diagnosis and prescribing) would be mobilised to take care of the ill populace. Lots of doctors now work part time because of their children and family life. If a pandemic arises such that […]

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The ethics of non NHS testing

I’m glad to see that this public consultation by the Nuffield Council has been launched today, asking questions about the ethical issues involved in whole-body CT scanning and genetic screening done in private clinics for people with no current health problems. It’s very good that these issues are being raised and debated. But I’m a bit concerned that […]

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Embarrassing illnesses, politicians and medical records

Of particular concern to me about the latest political scandal is the idea that the leader of the Conservative party was to be invited to publish his “full financial and medical records” apparently as a way to reassure the public that he had not had a sexually transmitted disease. It is difficult to see how a political […]

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