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Dr Foster, association and causation

The headlines today have been driven by publication of the ‘Dr Foster’ (“the UK’s leading provider of comparative information on health and social care services”) annual hospital guide. The Guardian have reported it as have the Telegraph, who  headline  “Experts warn hospitals not to cut staff over weekend death risk.” They have presented their data as […]

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False hope and real living

The Quackometer has had some rather unpleasant emails following his criticism of the Burzynski clinic. The issue is that some people wanted to kindly raise money for a child with cancer to be treated there, when the evidence for the proffered interventions is questionable. Other people have examined the science very well. There is something […]

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NICE, caesarian sections and the weekend press

In May 2011 NICE published draft guidance on caesarian sections which were not medically necessary. The guidance they have drafted is cut and pasted below. Over the weekend there was extensive coverage of the guidance. Here is the Daily Mail, Channel 4 News, The Sun, and the Independent; there was also a Press Association notice. It all […]

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GPs ‘failing cancer patients’

From the Guardian, and also making it’s way forth into the Daily Mail, the Mirror, Management in Practice, and  Pulse , amongst others. The story is apparently that “GPs are failing to identify conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease and bowel trouble that can affect patients’ lives for years after they have become free of tumours, claims […]

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