Inside health references 8/1/13


Dementia screening

I would highly recommend these films by Dr Peter Gordon, a psychiatrist in Scotland

References I used are here


UK National Screening Committee, The UK NSC policy on Alzheimer’s Disease screening in adults

Screening for Dementia in Primary Care: A Summary of the Evidence for the US Preventive Services Task Force Ann Intern Med 2003;138: 927–937.;jsessionid=52ECC9355B74A9EC515C3312F72709C2.d03t03

Screening for mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review, Lonie,  Tierney, Ebmeier International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

This was a recent joint letter to the BMJ

Open letter to the Prime Minister and the Chief Medical Officer Regarding Proposals to Introduce Screening for Dementia BMJ, Rapid Response,14/12/12




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